Maps of Angola:
Alphabetica (Italy): word Angola
E-rara (Switzerland): word Angola
Gallica (France): subject Angola, word Angola, Angola maps by Lannoy de Bissy
Kartenportal (Switzerland): search on map
Navigae (France): word Angola
Old maps online (Switzerland): search on map
Registo nacional de objetos digitais (Portugal): word Angola

Maps of Congo:
Alphabetica (Italy): word Congo
E-rara (Switzerland): word Congo, word Kongo
Gallica (France): subject Congo, word Congo, Congo maps by Lannoy de Bissy
Kartenportal (Switzerland): search on map
Navigae (France): word Congo
Old maps online (Switzerland): search on map
Registo nacional de objetos digitais (Portugal): word Congo

Maps of Zambia:
Alphabetica (Italy): word Zambia
Gallica (France): word Zambie, word Zambezie, word Rhodesie, Zambia maps by Lannoy de Bissy
Kartenportal (Switzerland): search on map
Old maps online (Switzerland): search on map

To find other repositories: Chronoscope supported GLAMs, Lexilogos Africa, Lexilogos Maps.

Another way to find maps is to search by “Text-on-Maps” in the David Rumsey map collection: search for a place name that should be written on it, for example Mporokoso, Fungurume… If you have no idea of what to search, look for the most unique place names you can find on a previous map, like for example this German map of Central Africa in 1914 (source).

See also: BASSETT, Thomas J. “Indigenous Mapmaking in Intertropical Africa”. The History of Cartography. Volume Two, Book Three (, Chapter 3, p. 24-48:

Date posted: July 31, 2024 | Author: | Comments Off on Old maps of Angola, Congo, and Zambia, from European repositories

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